Just When The Traffic Was Getting Good. . . .

Things have been going pretty well at this site, with traffic building steadily through the year. But now, I must confess, there will be an interruption in service. Next Thursday, I am flying to Warsaw, where I will meet my older son and begin a month-long trek through Eastern Europe trying to track down some family roots.
We will do most of it on bicycles.
We’ve been researching family history, finding much of it a bit sketchy. We have found lost relatives (well, maybe misplaced relatives). We’ve started posting reports at our own blog, and will post there every night from the road. You can follow along to see if I’m still ambulatory, if we’re still talking to each other, or even if we’ve solved some of the mysteries surrounding our Jewish ancestors and how — or whether — they got out.
Then, after our journey, I will be in Denver for the Democratic National Convention. I’ll be there mostly as arm candy for my wife, Nancy Floreen, who is a Maryland delegate, but I’m also scheduled to give a book talk there, as well!
So I won’t be back at this lemonade stand until Labor Day. Enjoy your summer!